The NGO LALANA was created in 1998 by a team of engineers and technicians eager to contribute to the development of the country through an innovative approach, and united around strong values: initiative, professionalism and creativity.
- Increased mobility in rural areas
- Profitability of infrastructure investments
- Contribution to the reconstruction of the Malagasy road heritage
- Support for local initiatives in favor of poverty reduction
- Improving access to basic socio-economic services
- Reduction of negative impacts of roads
- Promotion of responsible behavior of citizens and leaders
Lalana's objective is to establish a process of sustainable development in the rural world and in particular through road infrastructure and transport, and social accountability.
Malagasy regulations :
Orientation générale de la politique de décentralisation
Lois organique 2014 018 annotées par FES
Lois organique annotées par FES
Arrêté interministériel nº4355 /97
Définition et délimitation des zones sensibles.
Loi n°2017-002 Version Malagasy
Code de la route version Malagasy