Our Actions
The current actions are framed in the Strategic Plan 2021-2025.
Where are we in this year 2022 ?
In Madagascar, many places have become inaccessible due to the deterioration of the roads. This degradation is such that it becomes the subject that passionately fuels the conversation of many citizens both in the real world and in the virtual world. Whistleblowers (opinion leaders, social network influencers, members of civil society) continue to provide facts and information relating to the impassability of roads and passages: the causes, the effects, those responsible; some even manage to provide very relevant analyzes leading to suggestions of what could be done to remedy this situation. It is not uncommon for the NGO Lalana to be approached by either local leaders, or by simple taxpayers for grievances and requests for collaboration to restore this or that section of road. We can affirm today that everyone is aware of the above all strategic issues in this sector. So it's time to stand up and do more. We must take advantage of this enthusiasm because we are hugely behind. In August 2021, the government announced that of the 49,250 km of roads and tracks that cover the national territory, only 11% offer good traffic conditions. "Being branched and not meshed, any cut in the national road network systematically leads to the isolation of a whole part of the country" according to the responsible ministry. It plans to reduce this proportion to 35% in 2025. Madagascar is then strives to conduct and accelerate the implementation of projects under construction and rehabilitation of roads, rural tracks, bridges, urban roads, dykes. We will cite among others, this project for the sustainable development of the road sector in Madagascar. The Ministry of Public Works, via the Road Agency, intends to "improve the longevity, safety and climate resilience of certain main paved roads". Thanks to funding of 200 million dollars (IDA/World Bank), approximately 1,200 km of paved roads, representing 20% of the national paved network, will benefit from periodic maintenance. The Ministry of Public Works, via the Road Agency, intends to "improve the longevity, safety and climate resilience of certain main paved roads". Thanks to funding of 200 million dollars (IDA/World Bank), approximately 1,200 km of paved roads, representing 20% of the national paved network, will benefit from periodic maintenance. The Ministry of Public Works, via the Road Agency, intends to "improve the longevity, safety and climate resilience of certain main paved roads". Thanks to funding of 200 million dollars (IDA/World Bank), approximately 1,200 km of paved roads, representing 20% of the national paved network, will benefit from periodic maintenance.
For our part, we admit that we are still far from our long-term vision "in a developed Madagascar, half of the Malagasy population will have acquired real mobility, particularly in rural areas, allowing them permanent access to socio-economic services, and to actively participate in the functioning and development of the country. But we are not giving up. On the contrary, we are very motivated to achieve it. Our form of questioning has always been to lead innovative pilot actions, to support the initiatives of communities that have the will to act, with the help of our partners or by our own means.
In 2021, we participated in the CASEF project. Our team carried out the rehabilitation works of the Foulpointe – Andondabe road (RP 3A) and that of the RN5 crossing towards Ampasimbe (RP 12A) in the Antsinanana Region. The treatment of blackheads by the HIMO Structured system has been prioritized to allow better accessibility during the lychee campaign.
We have also started a 15-month initiative, co-financed by the Fanainga Program (European Union, German Cooperation, GIZ) which would like to support the CTDs and rural citizens of the Communes of the Ambohidratrimo District, and the Antanifotsy District.
We also do not fail to mention this action of support of a women's association called Hasin'ny Masindray of the rural Commune of Masindray in Antananarivo Avaradrano for the endowment of a sewing workshop, with the assistance of the Embassy of the United States in Madagascar.
For 2022, we are continuing our activity with the FANAINGA program. Two steps are still to be taken: the establishment of the Local Road Policy (PRC) and the strengthening of local capacities. The development of the PRC requires the inventory of the existing roads, and to classify them to be able to identify the communal roads, which will be the subject of promulgation by communal decree. Capacity building consists of the training of Communes on Project Management, the training of local roadmenders, the establishment of the road maintenance structure, the technical supervision of community road works, and the provision of equipment and tools for road maintenance work.
We also plan to offer her sewing workshop to the Hasin'ny Masindray Association in March 2022.
In January 2022, we will start the project which will open up the rural municipality of Marondry in the district of Ankazobe. A town with strong agricultural and tourist potential. With funding from the Tany Meva Foundation, we are going to provide support in the management of road infrastructure in this locality with the rehabilitation of a few black spots and bridges followed by reforestation. This project lasts 56 months.
For our road safety actions, we are now a member of the SADC Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (at the regional level) and Global Alliance of NGOs for Road (at the global level). We will therefore work with them to advocate with state officials in Madagascar so that our country contributes effectively to achieving the 2030 objective of the 2021-2030 Global Plan: less than 50% of the number of dead and injured on the roads.
This is what we are developing for 2002. A year of recovery but also of continuity. So an opportunity to always move forward.
The team of the NGO Lalana
Our Values
Lalana's corporate values are characterized by the desire to make its contribution to development through an innovative approach, united around strong values: initiative, professionalism, creativity.
Last news

Municipal project management
Project : Programme de Développement Communal Inclusif et de Décentralisation II (PDCID)
As part of the Inclusive Municipal Development and Decentralization Program (PDCID), Lalana supports 8 beneficiary municipalities (PDCID II) in carrying out infrastructure projects through a direct municipal project management approach, particularly in the Diana regions. and Ambanja district.
Africa Sustainable Investment and Infrastructure Programme
Project : Africa Sustainable Investment and Infrastructure Programme
The Africa Sustainable Investment and Infrastructure (ASI) program funded by NORAD aims to consider sustainability standards in investments in “grey” infrastructure, as well as the application of these standards in the development of this infrastructure in sub-Saharan Africa. It specifically targets infrastructure projects in Kenya, Tanzania and Madagascar, with a particular focus on Chinese-backed projects.
Rehabilitation of infrastructure after Cyclone Batsiray: Construction of a school building for the CEG Anosimparihy
Project : Projet de construction écoles à Anosimparihy
Pour l'année 2022, et par rapport au contexte lié aux catastrophes naturelles en particulier les cyclones, la sècheresse, les feux, l’insécurité alimentaire, la Fondation Tany Meva a pris l’initiative de financer des projets qui permettront d’atténuer/réduire les effets/impacts négatifs y relatifs dans le district de Mananjary. L'ONG Lalana et la Commune d'Anosimparihy ont présenté un projet de réhabilitation d'un batiment scoliare qui a été retenu par la Fondation Tany Meva après les différentes phases de sélection..

Study, design and implementation of systems for the management and maintenance of rural roads
Project : Mise en place de dispositif de maintenance pérenne de pistes rurales
The objective of the AFAFI South Program of which this market is a part is to contribute to the reduction of poverty among rural populations in the South and South-East of Madagascar.
The general objective of this contract is the identification of maintenance works and the sustainability of rural roads rehabilitated under the ASARA program through the establishment of a permanent technical and financial management system for the maintenance and maintenance of feeder roads at the level of the Decentralized Territorial Communities (CTD).

Support for the management of road infrastructure for sustainable socio-economic development of the Commune Marondry
Project : Renforcement de capacités ciblées en entretien de routes de l’association FML
The Mayor of the Commune Marondry came to seek the help of the NGO Lalana because he is convinced that the poor state of the road constitutes a considerable obstacle to the socio-economic development of his Commune. He manages to mobilize the local population to carry out community road works, but due to a lack of know-how and minimum knowledge of road techniques, the works always have to be redone after each rainy season.
Contact Us
Our Team
Lalana is currently made up of a team of fifty people, including twenty permanent staff, made up of :
- Engineers: BTP,
- Rural Engineering,
- Geotechnician
- Geographer,
- Economist,
- Journalist - communicator,
- Construction technicians, Trainers,
- Administrative staff.

RATSIMA Harinjato

Vice - Président
RAHARIMANANTENA Ny Ony Andriatsilavo

Secrétaire - Trésorier

Responsable Administratif et Financier

Responsable Technique







Ana Luisa Silva



Grégoire RABENJA