Activities - Social and gender actions in support of road works
Lalana was able to conduct research on the impacts of Covid 19 on the mobility of women and vulnerable households in the suburban area of the capital of Madagascar, with the support of High Volume Transport (HVT) of UK Aid.
Link : study result

Project : | Comprendre l'impact du Covid-19 sur la mobilité des femmes et des ménages vulnérables dans les zones périurbaines d'Antananarivo, Madagascar |
Finance by : | HVT |
Start of intervention : | October 2021 |
End of intervention : | March 2022 |
amount : | 20 000 £ |
This initiative affected small farmers producing staple foods living in the peri-urban areas of Antananarivo. These are market garden vegetable suppliers who travel extensively between their places of residence and the places where they sell their goods. 10 rural communes were chosen for this initiative: Ambohimalaza, Masindray, Fiaferana, Manandriana (Avaradrano district) - Merimandroso, Ambatolampy, Anosiala, Ampangabe (Ambohidratrimo district) – Soalandy and Ampanefy (Atsimondrano district). The peasant producers of these localities sell their market garden products to the markets of Talatamaty, Ankadindratombo, Petite Vitesse (Analakely), Anosibe, Namontana, Anosizato, Andravoahangy, Anosizato, Besarety, Ivato, Andoharanofotsy, Mahazo, Ambohitrarahaba and 67 ha. They also supply the regional markets of Mahajanga and Toamasina via intermediaries. They are continually confronted with marketing issues, including price volatility, prices that are too low in season, the limited margin for negotiation with collectors, or quite simply access to the market. This makes them very vulnerable economically. However, until now no economic and aid measures have been put in place to limit the potentially high costs and consequences of the epidemic for these farmers.
Socially and health-wise, they are ill-equipped to deal with the COVID crisis: living in precarious conditions (low resilience, poor diet, limited access to resources and services). These are citizens who cannot self-isolate, practice social distancing and wash their hands frequently and therefore most at risk from contagion. Without knowing it, they can also be vectors of the virus. Forced to go back and forth to the markets, they use public transport, visibly unprotected. And at transaction sites, the required sanitary measures are not always respected.
They have heard of COVID and are terrified of it. They know how to protect themselves and what to do to prevent the spread of the disease.

Project : | Lutte contre la propagation du COVID 19 |
Finance by : | Fanainga |
Start of intervention : | September 2020 |
End of intervention : | March 2021 |
amount : | 200 Millions Ariary |
Formation of neighborhood associations
Strengthening the management capacity of local associations in the neighborhoods of Andavamamba Anatihazo I and Andohatapenaka I (Antananarivo) as part of the Voluntary Action Against Violence project.

Project : | Activités diverses |
Finance by : | VCV / PNUD |
Start of intervention : | March 2005 |
End of intervention : | April 2005 |

Project : | Activités diverses |
Finance by : | VPM / FED 8MAG 030 / |
Start of intervention : | November 2003 |
End of intervention : | February 2004 |
Study of the configuration of the villages
Socio-economic studies of the configuration of villages and detailed study of villages for the elaboration of a rural development and watershed management project in the southwestern Alaotra region.

Project : | Activités diverses |
Finance by : | Nippon Koei/JICA |
Start of intervention : | October 2003 |
End of intervention : | December 2003 |
Village Cases in Ankarana
Village Cases in AnSupport in socio-organization for the establishment and operation of Ecotourism Village Associations (AVE) in the Ankarana region:
- Structuring and formalization of AVE
- Supervision of EVAs during the construction of the huts
- Support for the development of ancillary activities
- Assistance to the regularization of the land situation of the site of the cases karana

Project : | Programme LDI |
Finance by : | USAID |
Start of intervention : | February 2001 |
End of intervention : | September 2001 |
One village, one product
Improvement of the quality of strawberries in the Ambatofotsy region:
- Supervision of an association of strawberry producers for the improvement of the quality, hygiene and sale of their product.
- construction of a laboratory for the quality control of burs.

Project : | Grassroots Projects |
Finance by : | Ambassade du Japon |
Start of intervention : | February 2000 |
End of intervention : | September 2000 |
Biological Protection on the RN 34
- Realization of protection works in biological engineering on three points of the RN 34 at KP 277, 287 and 295 :
- Organization and supervision of the work carried out by the local population

Project : | Projet de Protection Biologique sur la RN 34 |
Finance by : | VPM / DCTP / FER |
Start of intervention : | November 2004 |
End of intervention : | November 2004 |
Pilot project for the integration of the social and environmental dimension in the road sector
Elaboration of the Terms of Reference and Tender Documents for the implementation of a pilot demonstration and experimentation project for the integration of the social and environmental dimension in the road sector.

Project : | Etude d'impact Environnemental |
Finance by : | VPM - DEIE / Etat Malagasy |
Start of intervention : | July 2004 |
End of intervention : | July 2004 |
Pilot site of biological protection RN2 and RN7
Introduction of biological protection in the field of public works in order to balance the road network with the environment. Pilot worksites on the RN2 and RN7.
- Diagnosis of the protections to be made and elaboration of development plans.
- Conception of the pedagogical contents and elaboration of the teacher's book
- Elaboration of Tender Documents
- Technical assistance to the RN2 pilot site

Project : | Projet de chantier pilote protection biologique RN2 et RN7 |
Finance by : | MTP / FED 8MAG 030 |
Start of intervention : | November 2003 |
End of intervention : | February 2004 |
Pilot site of biological protection RN2
Technical assistance to the pilot sites of protection in biological engineering on the RN2 :
- To present the specificities of the chosen sites and the type of protection to be made;
- To assist the mission of control during the execution of the works;
- Pre-technical acceptance with the control mission.

Project : | Projet de Chantier pilote de protection biologique RN2 |
Finance by : | VPM / FED 8MAG 030 |
Start of intervention : | August 2003 |
End of intervention : | November 2003 |
EIA of 9th EDF road works
Environmental impact studies at the pre-feasibility level for 1800 km of secondary national roads in the provinces of Fianarantsoa and Toliary.
In partnership with Luxconsult and Inframad

Project : | Etude d'impact Environnemental |
Finance by : | VPM / Union Européenne |
Start of intervention : | March 2003 |
End of intervention : | June 2003 |
Stabilization of lavaka
Fight against the silting of rice fields in the Lake Alaotra region:
- Stabilization works of 6 large lavaka executed in 2 phases
- Supervision of the local population for the execution of the works
- Awareness raising and technology transfer so that the local population can carry out other small-scale protection work, and also to prevent the harmful actions that cause lavaka.
- Creation of an association to monitor the actions

Project : | Projet de chantier pilote protection biologique RN2 et RN7 |
Finance by : | Ambassade du Japon |
Start of intervention : | December 2000 |
End of intervention : | June 2002 |

Project : | Etude d'impact Environnemental |
Finance by : | MTP / BAD |
Start of intervention : | December 2000 |
End of intervention : | April 2001 |
Environmental education
EIA training of regional actors in Anosy and Menabe on EIA agents of the FID Project (World Bank), AGERAS (National Office of the Environment) and their partners. (Design offices, companies).
2 training sessions

Project : | Projet PAGE - IRG |
Finance by : | AGERAS /PNUD MAG/96/G31 |
Start of intervention : | November 2000 |
End of intervention : | November 2000 |
Environmental training
Environmental training of the agents of the FID Project (World Bank), AGERAS (National Office of the Environment) and their partners. (Design offices, companies).
- Elaboration of an environmental technical guide for community projects (water supply, tracks, micro-perimeter, buildings).
- 6 training sessions in provincial capitals

Project : | Projet PAGE - IRG |
Finance by : | Office National de l'Environnement / USAID |
Start of intervention : | October 2000 |
End of intervention : | November 2000 |
Environmental Education
Environmental training of engineers of the Ministry of Public Works in June 2000 with ININFRA / MTP.

Project : | projet PRIB |
Finance by : | ININFRA |
Start of intervention : | June 2000 |
End of intervention : | July 2000 |
EIA cholera emergency actions in Antananarivo
- Environmental impact studies of cholera emergency actions in Antananarivo :
- Cleaning of canals, garbage collection, cleaning of markets in the Andravoahangy & Besarety - Avaradoha neighborhoods.
In collaboration with the firm Jary / Someah

Project : | Projet de chantier pilote protection biologique RN2 et RN7 |
Finance by : | AGETIPA / Banque Mondiale |
Start of intervention : | May 2000 |
End of intervention : | November 2000 |
Projet d'Appui aux Initiatives de Quartiers
Construction of local infrastructures :
- Animation and supervision of the inhabitants of 3 peri-urban communes (Ankadikely Ilafy, Ivato, Ampitatafika) for the identification and prioritization of priority infrastructures in underprivileged neighborhoods.
- Social and economic studies
- Supervision and control of the works: 3 fountains in Ivato; public washhouse and fountain in Belanitra & Ilafy; development of an alley in Ampitatafika.

Project : | Projet PAIQ III |
Finance by : | Coopération Française |
Start of intervention : | April 2020 |
End of intervention : | February 2002 |

Project : | Projet transport d'urgence bas quartier |
Finance by : | Bibby Line Group (United Kingdom) via TRANSAID |
Start of intervention : | May 2015 |
End of intervention : | July 2014 |
amount : | 1500 £ |

Project : | Projet Zahay koa |
Finance by : | Fonds Canadiens pour les Initiatives Locales |
Start of intervention : | October 2014 |
End of intervention : | February 2015 |
amount : | 19 621 $ CA |
SAVA Latrines
Improvement of hygiene in social infrastructures in the SAVA region
- Project management and supervision for the construction of 8 ventilated double pit latrines.

Project : | Projet de construction Latrines SAVA |
Finance by : | MEM / UNICEF |
Start of intervention : | September 2005 |
End of intervention : | November 2005 |
Ankaraobato School
Extension of EPP in Ankadilalampotsy, Ankaraobato Construction of a 3-class building
Project management and supervision of the work of the SME

Project : | Projet de construction Ecoles à Ankaraobato |
Finance by : | Fonds Canadien d'Initiatives Locales |
Start of intervention : | April 2005 |
End of intervention : | September 2005 |
Latrines in Vavatenina
- Construction of 10 latrines for EPP in the CISCO of Vavatenina.

Project : | Projet de Construction Latrine à Vavatenina |
Finance by : | UNICEF |
Start of intervention : | July 2003 |
End of intervention : | September 2003 |
GAKKO Project - (Gasy Ka Koloiko)
Improvement of access to and quality of education in the CISCO of Morondava.
- Construction of school buildings (8 EPP & 2 CEG) in the fivondronana of Morondava
- Supervision of parents' associations for the implementation of the management system.

Project : | Projet GAKKO |
Finance by : | Ambassade du Japon |
Start of intervention : | February 2002 |
End of intervention : | February 2003 |
Rural Tana Schools
Rehabilitation of school infrastructure :
Technical expertise for the project to rehabilitate 23 schools in 3 fivondronana and 6 communes in the Imerina region.

Project : | Projet Ecole Tàna Rurale |
Finance by : | Projet SAHA / Intercoopération Suisse |
Start of intervention : | June 2001 |
End of intervention : | September 2001 |
Vohipeno Well
Improvement of hygiene in the school environment in the Vohipeno school districts:
- Construction of 11 wells for 11 elementary school
- Sensitization of the population on the use of latrines
- Assistance to the student association - parents & teachers for the management and maintenance system.

Project : | Projet de construction de puits à Vohipeno |
Finance by : | Ambassade du Japon |
Start of intervention : | March 2001 |
End of intervention : | March 2002 |
CSB2 Manakara
Construction of two Level II Basic Health Centers (health care complex and housing for the nursing staff, water supply from a well with a submerged pump):
- Quality control of the construction of the buildings for the Basic Health Centers in Analavory and Anosiala in the Manakara region from October to December 2000 for the U.S. Army.
In partnership with Chemonics International

Project : | Activités diverses |
Finance by : | US Army Pacific |
Start of intervention : | September 2000 |
End of intervention : | March 2001 |
The rehabilitation works of the Foulpointe - Andondabe road (RP 3A) and that of the RN5 crossing towards Ampasimbe (RP 12A) in the Antsinana region began on November 05, 2021, carried out by the NGO Lalana as part of the CASEF Project (Croissance Agricultural and Land Security). Blackhead treatments have been prioritized to allow better accessibility during the lychee campaign .

Project : | Projet CASEF |
Finance by : | Banque Mondiale |
Start of intervention : | November 2021 |
End of intervention : | December 2021 |
Elaboration of the Municipal Transport Plan in the District of Anjozorobe
Establishment and implementation of the Communal Transport Plan in 14 Rural Communes of the District of Anjozorobe, Analamanga Region. Activities to be carried out during the project with local authorities and populations :
- Elaboration and establishment of road registers in 9 Communes.
- Establishment of local consultation structures for the elaboration of the communal road policy in 9 Communes.
- Elaboration of the five-year plan of maintenance works in 9 Communes.
- Training of local authorities in public contracting in 9 Communes.
- Training of local road workers at the level of each Fokontany in 9 Communes.
- Implementation of the Communal Transport Plan in the 14 Communes.
- Raising awareness on road safety.
- Raising awareness in the 14 Communes to improve communal revenues...

Project : | Projet PCT |
Finance by : | Union Européenne |
Start of intervention : | March 2017 |
End of intervention : | February 2020 |
Establishment of a municipal road policy (identification and management of municipal roads) at the level of 6 rural municipalities :
- 5 Communes of the District of Anjozorobe in the Analamanga Region: Amboasary, Betatao Anjozorobe, Marovazaha, Ambongamarina;
- 1 Municipality of the district of Fénérive Est in the Analanjorofo Region: Ampasina Maningory.

Project : | Projet DLIK |
Finance by : | Union Européenne |
Start of intervention : | July 2016 |
End of intervention : | March 2017 |
Reinforcement of the tracks and maintenance training in the reintegration zone for families in great precariousness
Training of road workers and work to strengthen the tracks in the reintegration zone established by the ASA Association in Ampasimpotsy (Bongolava Region) for families in great precariousness.
- Establishment of a core of roadmenders in villages in the reintegration zone.
- Raising awareness for the appropriation of infrastructures
- Theoretical and practical training for maintenance work

Project : | Pistes ASA |
Finance by : | Association ASA (Ankohonana Sahirana Arenina) |
Start of intervention : | November 2010 |
End of intervention : | November 2011 |
Maintenance structure of the Ambalavao & Sendrisoa Trail - Namoly
Reinforcement of the maintenance system of the Ambalavao & Sendrisoa & Namoly runway (42 km)
- Facilitation of a stakeholder consultation workshop
Identification of emergency and periodic maintenance work - Advice and support in obtaining funding from potential donors such as the RMF
- Reinforcement of runway maintenance systems

Project : | Projet ReCAP |
Finance by : | USAID |
Start of intervention : | October 2008 |
End of intervention : | March 2009 |
Training in civil engineering and project management for municipalities
AFTOBA Project (Support for Basic Technical and Organizational Training for Adults) Training on small trades, maintenance of communal roads and project management in the communes along the RN6 between Port Bergé and Ambanja:
- Masonry
- Well construction and maintenance
- Maintenance of communal roads
- Project management

Project : | Projet AFTOBA |
Finance by : | Union Européenne |
Start of intervention : | September 2006 |
End of intervention : | August 2007 |
Tools and methods to support communal actors
Support to the ACORDS Program Management Unit for the harmonization of tools and methods for supporting communal actors in the rural roads sector as part of the communal component.
- Updating the guides
- Evaluation of summary studies
- Training workshops for community leaders

Project : | Programme ACORDS |
Finance by : | Union Européenne |
Start of intervention : | August 2006 |
End of intervention : | March 2009 |
Elaboration of frameworks for the management of rural track projects for municipalities
Technical support to the ACORDS Program Management Unit on the development of frameworks for the management of rural track projects for rural communities.

Project : | Programme ACORDS |
Finance by : | Union Européenne |
Start of intervention : | May 2006 |
End of intervention : | June 2006 |
Maintenance structure RP 107
Establishment of a management and maintenance structure for RIP 107 (79 km) at Tsivory - Amboasary South.
- Definition of the maintenance strategy
- Assistance in the creation and start-up of the maintenance structure

Project : | Activités diverses |
Finance by : | FIDA |
Start of intervention : | November 2005 |
End of intervention : | October 2006 |
Road maintenance for 5 Rural Communes
Assistance to the contracting authority of the communes for the maintenance of rural roads
Supervision of 6 communes and the corresponding AUPs (Associations of Trail Users) to obtain RMF financing and to carry out maintenance work.
Technical studies, supervision and control of works for the routine maintenance of 89 km of rural roads in 3 fivondronana of the province of Fianarantsoa :
- Manakara (Ambahive, Sahanambohitra, Sahasinaka)
- Fianarantsoa II (Iavonomby)
- Ambalavao (Ambohimandroso, Sendrisoa)

Project : | Projet d'entretien de route rurale |
Finance by : | Fonds d'Entretien Routier |
Start of intervention : | August 2004 |
End of intervention : | October 2004 |
Rural Road Maintenance for 13 rural communes
Development of the communes' capacity to control their own development.
- Supervision of 13 communes and the corresponding AUPs for obtaining RMF financing and carrying out maintenance work.
- Routine maintenance of 120 km of rural roads in 7 fivondronana of the provinces of Fianarantsoa and Mahajanga :
- Fianarantsoa II (Ambondrona, Befeta)
- Ambohimahasoa (Kalalao)
- Ambalavao (Sendrisoa)
- Manakara (Ambahive, Bekatra, Lokomby,Vatana, Vohimasy)
- Bealanana (Ambatoriha East, Bealanana)
- Marovoay (Ambolomoty)
- Mahajanga II (Bekobay)

Project : | Projet d'entretien de route rurale |
Finance by : | Fonds d'Entretien Routier |
Start of intervention : | August 2004 |
End of intervention : | October 2004 |
Diagnosis of the maintenance structure of the RP 118
Diagnosis of the maintenance structure of RP 118 affecting 8 rural communes and proposal of actions to improve the system in place.
- Capacity building of elected officials and users (mayors, communal councillors, transporters) in terms of road management and maintenance.
- Identification of emergency maintenance works
- Exchange trip in the fivondronana of Ambalavao
- Initiation of a maintenance structure

Project : | Projet d'entretien de route rurale |
Finance by : | Union Européenne |
Start of intervention : | July 2004 |
End of intervention : | September 2004 |
Hurricane damage assessment
Support and assistance to Track User Associations (TUA's) in assessing cyclone damage on rural roads with a view to seeking funding.

Project : | projet PTE |
Finance by : | USAID |
Start of intervention : | April 2004 |
End of intervention : | April 2004 |
Supervision of the User Associations of the ReCAP Project Tracks
Perpetuation of road infrastructures :
- Supervision and technical assistance to 32 Associations of Track Users (AUPs) set up for the management and maintenance of rural roads rehabilitated by the ReCAP project, in the provinces of Fianarantsoa and Toamasina.

Project : | Programme LDI |
Finance by : | USAID |
Start of intervention : | April 2003 |
End of intervention : | October 2003 |
Supervision of the User Associations of the Tracks of the CAP Project
Supervision of Track User Associations of the CAP ProjectPerpetuation of road infrastructures:
- Supervision and technical assistance to the AUPs in 8 sub-prefectures in the provinces of Fianarantsoa and Mahajanga for road maintenance work.

Project : | Programme LDI |
Finance by : | USAID |
Start of intervention : | January 2000 |
End of intervention : | November 2000 |
Procedures manual for MIT projects
- Establishment of a manual of procedures for the implementation of projects for the promotion of Intermediate Means of Transport.
- Assistance in the creation of the MITA network

Project : | Programme Sectoriel Transport |
Finance by : | Banque Mondiale |
Start of intervention : | June 2002 |
End of intervention : | August 2002 |
Improvement of women's mobility in the Andramasina region :
- Supervision and support of the women's group "Vehivavy Soafaniry".
- Granting of bicycles to enable the association to set up a start-up fund for the establishment of a micro-credit system and for the acquisition of other bicycles.
- Various trainings (micro credit, road maintenance, biological protection).

Project : | Projet Vehivavy Soafaniry |
Finance by : | ONG Lalana |
Start of intervention : | September 2001 |
End of intervention : | November 2001 |
Various studies on MITs
Basic studies for the promotion of Intermediate Means of Transport:
- Studies on the bicycle sector in Madagascar
- Use of animal-drawn MITs
- MIT Partner Database
- Current state of play on TIMs
- Micro-financing for MITs

Project : | Projet MIT (Moyens Intermédiares de Transports) |
Finance by : | Banque Mondiale |
Start of intervention : | May 2001 |
End of intervention : | December 2001 |
Woman Antemoro
Pilot project for the promotion of MIT among traditional Antemoro women's groups (Anakavy amin-dreny) :
- Identification of transport needs
- Granting of materials for the association (20 bicycles, 20 carts, 20 wheelbarrows) and creation of a workshop.
- Assistance in the creation of the Taratra association comprising 4 women's groups
- Institution of a micro-credit system
- Various trainings (micro-credit, repair and maintenance of equipment)

Project : | Femme Antemoro |
Finance by : | Banque Mondiale / Fonds Genre et transport |
Start of intervention : | March 2000 |
End of intervention : | December 2001 |
Hurricane damage assessments on rural roads
Identification and prioritization of 243 km of access roads to the communes affected by cyclones Gafilo and Indlala in the North West and South East of Madagascar.
- Identification and prioritization
- Summary technical evaluation

Project : | Activités diverses |
Finance by : | PAM / USAID |
Start of intervention : | April 2007 |
End of intervention : | June 2007 |
Supervision of a design office for rural road studies
Rural Road Rehabilitation Program of the Transport Sector Program
- Follow-up and supervision of engineering firms on the environmental and socio-economic aspects of the studies on 8500 km of rural roads.
- ynthesis of socio-economic and environmental data
- Social impact studies on 90 municipalities (data currently being processed)

Project : | Programme Sectoriel Transport |
Finance by : | PST/ Banque Mondiale |
Start of intervention : | June 2001 |
End of intervention : | October 2001 |
Assessment of hurricane damage on CAP tracks
Hurricane damage repair :
- Updating of cyclone damage estimates on the tracks rehabilitated by the CAP project.

Project : | Programme LDI |
Finance by : | USAID |
Start of intervention : | April 2001 |
End of intervention : | May 2001 |
Repair of cyclone damage on rural roads and the port of Manakara
Repair of cyclone damage on rural roads and the port of ManakaraRepair of cyclone damage on transport infrastructure for the marketing of agricultural products around the forest corridors between Ranomafana and Andringitra parks (Fianarantsoa Province) and between Andasibe and Zahamena parks (Toamasina Province) :
- Delegated project management for the rehabilitation of 233 km of rural roads, including 93 km of RNT in the provinces of Fianarantsoa and Toamasina.
- Emergency rehabilitation works of the port of Manakara (warehouses, quay)
- Project management: Selection of roads, APS studies, selection of companies, establishment of contracts in accordance with American and Malagasy regulations, control of works.
- Socio-organizational actions for the sustainability of investments: setting up a maintenance structure, establishing a local maintenance fund, biological protection by local associations.
19 municipalities and 39 associations concerned
In partnership with Chemonics International

Project : | Projet ReCAP |
Finance by : | USAID |
Start of intervention : | January 2001 |
End of intervention : | December 2003 |
Social and environmental impact studies
Ex-post impact assessment :
Evaluation of the social and environmental impacts of the rehabilitation of RIP 118, Tuléar province
strategy proposal for sustainability

Project : | Etude d'impact Environnemental |
Finance by : | PRIB / Union Européenne |
Start of intervention : | October 2000 |
End of intervention : | December 2000 |

Project : | Projet ReCAP |
Finance by : | USAID |
Start of intervention : | December 1999 |
End of intervention : | December 1999 |
Rehabilitation of rural roads in the provinces of Fianarantsoa and Mahajanga USAID
Rehabilitation of agro-commercial infrastructures :
Delegated project management for the rehabilitation of 300 km of rural roads in the provinces of Fianarantsoa and Mahajanga.
Project management: Selection of roads with a regional infrastructure committee, APS studies, selection of companies, establishment of contracts according to Malagasy regulations, control of works, payment of works from countervalue funds.
Socio-organizational actions for the sustainability of investments: setting up of maintenance structures, establishment of a local maintenance fund, biological protection by local associations.
Management of USAID funds and contributions from the European Union (STABEX and PAS funds), and the Japanese government.
22 municipalities and 20 associations concerned
In partnership with Chemonics International
Project : | Projet ReCAP |
Finance by : | USAID |
Start of intervention : | January 1995 |
End of intervention : | December 1999 |
ALFA Project
Education and sensitization on road safety in the Urban Commune of Antananarivo (Aro Loza @ Fifamoivoizana An-tsekoly).
- Carry out training/awareness actions at the level of the beneficiary public elementary school.
- Train the teachers to continue the training/awareness action for the future generation.
- Design and broadcast radio spots to strengthen and broaden the scope of awareness among the population of the capital.
- Install devices and supports to reinforce the visibility of the schools.
- Share training and project achievements with OEMC and advocate for the inclusion of "road safety for schoolchildren" in the civic education curriculum of elementary school.

Project : | Projet ALFA |
Finance by : | Transaid |
Start of intervention : | November 2017 |
End of intervention : | November 2018 |
Advocacy action for better mobility of People with Disabilities (PSH).
- Training of PWDs in leadership and advocacy.
- Interviews with state officials and transport operators (urban and suburban transport cooperatives, driving schools).
- Organization of meetings on the topic of mobility for people with disabilities (PSH) and people with reduced mobility (PRM).
- Awareness of the general public.
- Awareness-raising and training of actors in urban transport and suburban transport.
- Organization of meetings between state actors for the establishment of standards and universal design.
- Carrying out pilot works to improve accessibility.

Project : | Projet LAMINA |
Finance by : | Union Européenne |
Start of intervention : | February 2016 |
End of intervention : | January 2018 |
amount : | 199 966 Euros |
Road Safety Campaign
Road safety awareness for 6,000 schoolchildren City of Antananarivo - Axis RN2 - City of Toamasina.

Project : | Projet Campagne de sécurité routière |
Finance by : | TOTAL Madagascar |
Start of intervention : | January 2013 |
End of intervention : | May 2013 |

Project : | Activités diverses |
Finance by : | Lalana - Secteur Privé - Projet M3 Ainga - PACT / USAID |
Start of intervention : | May 2004 |
End of intervention : | August 2004 |